Looking for new car insurance doesn’t have to be a problem. Considering the number of insurance companies available, there is certainly one that could be your next partner. Switching to a new insurance company might be a bit problematic though. To begin with, you need assurance that you are paying less. Otherwise, there is really no point in switching. You should also know how much it would cost you to cancel the old insurance. It also helps if you call […]
To rent or buy a home, that is the question. To own a home is a life goal for most Americans. However, not everyone is financially equipped to do so. Home ownership isn’t always the best decision, nor is renting better than owning. Both have their own pros and cons, so let’s discuss them one by one. Renting The Good: It gives you flexibility. If you have plans to relocate in the near future, because of your work, family or just […]
As I mentioned on my post on loaning money to the government, interest rates these days are just horrible. I remember with regret the times that I said, jokingly, that soon, banks would charge US for keeping our money. But I’m no longer joking, because that is exactly what they are doing. While I understand that banks have expenses to pay, I just don’t give up my money that easily! I intend to make money, and so I have gone […]