8 Easy Ways to Refresh your Finances Now!

Did you know that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February?  We still have less than three months before we welcome another year but we don’t have to wait for New Year’s Eve to give our finances a makeover.

Whatever you are waiting to begin, do it now.

That said, here are 8 practices that will significantly improve and refresh your finances.

1. Get organized.

If you want to start anew, you need to have an organized financial life.  Here are some tips for you to achieve that:

Have one place where you store and file bills (even if most of your bills are already sent to you electronically), and where you write checks or pay bills on your computer.

2. Create a checklist for all the bills you are expecting.

Use technology such as Excel spreadsheets or budgeting apps to manage and organize your budget much easier and more efficiently.

3. Create a budget.

Speaking of budget, you need to have one in order to monitor the flow of your money and help you control your spending.  This will help you to better allocate your resources and make conscious and smart money decisions.

How to Create a Budget You Can Live With

4. Set SMART financial goals.

Obviously, you want to give your finances an overhaul because you are looking at the future and you have dreams and goals for your life.  But if you really want to reach financial success, you have to make sure that your goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.

Here’s what to avoid in setting your financial goals.

5. Scrutinize your spending habits.

For sure you’re not happy with your current financial situation, hence your strong desire to improve it.  But aside from looking at your present financial situation and dreaming of how you want it to look like in the future, it’s also very important to look at the past because what you did before, brought you to where you are now.

Have you been spending on unnecessary things?  Haven’t you been saving for the future?  Have you been living above your means?  All of these things contributed to the financial struggle that you are dealing with now.

So take a look at your past financial mistakes and learn from them.

6. Reduce debts.

You can’t renew your finances completely if you still have piles of debts.  But realistically, you can’t just make them drastically disappear.  Not unless you win the lottery.  But you can commit to a plant to get out of it, ASAP.

Here’s how you can start your Debt Paying Plan.

7. Start saving for the future.

Whether it’s for an emergency fund or retirement, having money set aside for the future is really important and something that you should start ASAP.  To make the most out of it, put it in a high-interest savings account, a time deposit or money market account.  You’ll thank yourself later.

8. Focus on making more money and building assets.

Whether is saying yes to more hours at work, getting a side job, starting a business or just selling off pre-loved belongings, there are endless options when it comes to looking for ways to beef up your bank account.

Now if you want to really build your wealth, get out of your debts and start acquiring assets for a promising financial future.


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