Top 3 Spending Tracker Apps to Help You Manage Your Finances Successfully

Many of us are aware that setting goals and creating a budget are very important in managing our finances, but not a lot of us pay very much attention to our spending and earnings – the ins and outs of your money.

Tracking your spending is the key to managing your finances successfully.  Through this, you will be able to see where your money is really going, understand your financial habits better and act accordingly.

When it comes to tracking your expenses, you can go with the old-school paper and pen or go digital using different apps that you can download for free, which by the way, is more convenient to use.  Since most of you are already glued to your phones almost 24/7, the modern route would be more ideal for you.

With that said, here are 3 spending trackers for iOS and Android devices:

1. Spending Tracker (iOS, Android)

First on the list is an app that I use personally, which is solely for tracking your expenses.  It has a very easy and user-friendly interface where you can add your income for the month and just enter each spending with the corresponding category on the list.  Here, you can easily see how much balance you have left for the month and have a clear understanding of which category you spend most on.

2. Mint (iOS, Android)

Mint is a money manager and financial tracker in one app.  It brings together your bank accounts, credit cards, bills and investments to help you stay on top of your finances.  It’s an all-in one app to help you not just track your expenses but manage your income and investments as well.

3. Expensify (iOS, Android)

Here’s a spending tracker that lets you take photos, scan and save your receipts digitally.  The SmartScan feature captures the merchant, amount and date of an uploaded receipt and automatically creates an expense for it.  This isn’t just very helpful for managing your own personal finances, but is very ideal and convenient for business and work as well – for things such as reimbursements, company card management, and the like.

Depending on your budgeting style and approach, you’ll surely find one among the three apps mentioned above that will your preferences and needs.

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